Discussion: Collins 'Very Disappointed' In Trump's Decision To End O'Care Subsidies

Well, I’m "very disappointed’ that you’re still in the Senate, taking space away from the Democrats. I hope we whip your ass in 2018.

Oh really, Collins? “Disappointed” is all you can muster for the thousands of people in your state who will suffer, go bankrupt and maybe die due to this needlessly cruel action?

Fuck your disappointment, Susan.

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I came here to write a comment calling her a milquetoast, but figured I should read existing comments to see if I was beaten to it. Yup. I guess I’ll have to resort to pantywaist.


Why Trump’s Obamacare Sabotage May Backfire — and Give Millions Free Health Care

For Christ’s sake…would you people do something about this madman who is literally killing Americans with his strident stupidity.Is it too much to ask that we have a President who does not willfully hate our citizens?

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Republicans are stepping in it. They just can’t help themselves.

you think trump will still be president in jan 2019? i don’t.

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Sadly, I do think that Trump will probably finish out his 4 years…

Of course that will depend on what Mueller finds, and how the 2018 mid-terms go.

But if I had to bet, I’d bet that Trump manages to hang on.

Because although impeachment only requires a simple majority in the House, conviction and removal from office would require 2/3 of the Senate. And the only way I see that happening is if Mueller finds crystal-clear evidence of Trump himself (not just his aides or allies) conspiring with Russia.

In other words, Mueller would have to find a smoking gun right in Trump’s tiny little hands. Could happen, but I doubt it.

resignation is a possibility too. he’s not having much fun and this ‘presidenting thing’ is a bunch of work.

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