Discussion: Doug Jones: 'I Think We Need To Move On' From Trump Misconduct Allegations

Dude’s a successful and effective prosecutor. He knows how to talk to the jury.


That some pretty breathtaking horseshit there my friend. We are not talking about a policy defense of abused girls and women. We are talking about an entirely symbolic statement calling on the President to resign for alleged abuse, for which we do not have proof that rises to the legal requirements to indict someone and are therefore powerless to enforce.

CHIP not being funded at Christmas? That’s very real.

The entire crux of my argument was me trying to point out that giving up on something symbolic for something real and tangible is perfectly acceptable. The entire crux of your argument seems to be muddying the waters enough so that you can pretend the symbolic is tangible and worthwhile.


Yeah, I guess it is kinda like being slapped in the face by your spouse on the first night of your honeymoon. It doesn’t portend well.


I don’t see Trump winning ,and not winning by the popular vote I might add, any sort of vindication from the sexual assault claims. Millions and millions of voters voted against him. Scorn him and would like to see his head on a spike on the White House gates.
So you want to some how turn those that voted for Trump into “the voters”? As if somehow all the people that voted against him are now co-opted into acceptance. Thats just bullshit! And the same kind of cover your ass excuse that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, lying from the White House makes.
This matter is far, far from resolved.

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Hyperbole much?



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Well put @nineo. The idea that this decent man should be turned out as Moore Lite because he doesn’t want to burn political capital in Alabama on trying to hold Trump’s feet to the fire on a symbolic issue is sickening.

And I’m not saying that the symbolism of demanding Trump’s resignation over his sex crimes is useless. By all means, let senators from red states take a moral stand highlighting the pig. Reminding voters nationwide of this probably is good politics. Red-state senators won’t pay a political price for it so it’s pretty easy for Gillebrand, Harris et al — not so for Jones, Heidkamp and Manchin.

But Jones is exactly right that all of this stuff was out there before Trump’s election. And there’s no way this’ll convince iTrump to resign. So it is purely symbolic.

The substantive issue is whether Congress will be more transparent about sexual harassment and other gender issues, and whether members – from both parties (not just Democrats – are held accountable.

This entire thread boils down to one question: Do we want to take take our country from sexist, racist kleptocrats or do we want to run a circular firing squad?


I’m not part of that world, but I would propose that the African American community of Alabama was motivated far less by fear and loathing of Moore and Trump, than by confidence in and love for the man who rained down justice upon the KKK church bombers who killed four black girls.


Goddammit Doug.

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We’re all tilting at windmills around here.

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It’s discussion on a blog based on a few minutes of extemporaneous remarks on a Sunday morning talk show, just one of many that grow increasingly irrelevant every day. I’m not going to lose sleep nor am I concerned about how the senator is going perform. Though of course he will not have the latitude a Democratic senator from a traditionally blue state would, and that’s all I’ll concede.


131 comments and counting…

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I read every comment, and nowhere did I read that @nineo made any such statement.


Would that Doug Jone could hear your condemnation and those of others here. It coulda been Roy Moore being interviewed today.


“Moderating Fucking Alabama” -

sounds like an plausible title for a new Coen Bros film, no??


I think it’s the time of day between late breakfast, loading up on caffeine and reading the comics that finds us with so much time on our hands.


excellent question, and it breaks down into two basic categories of respondents.

Sensible liberals want to take back the country----the Purity Brigade wants a circular firing squad and a litmus test for Democrats, in order to make sure we lose while allowing them to feel all virtuous and self-righteous.


I am not surprised they wish all investigations to end!

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Partnering with evil? How little you know about the coming great and winning days on the horizon for Democrats. And in large part it’s because of the evil on the right


Being that way isn’t admirable and it will inevitability get even the great politicians into trouble. Once a likely voter gets into their head that a politician will say anything to get a win, then the politician’s
next series of actions will get heavily scrutinized .

A) Assuming that Tapper didn’t ask Jones about whether he believed the women, someone is going to again ask Jones that allegations question. After he gives his answer, someone will (knock on wood) ask Jones that obvious follow-up question: "Does he believe the women who made these obligations?"

B) Flake,Collins,Rubio and Curbelo are in a similar spot (being disingenuous), because they are suffering under a delusion that House and Senate GOP leadership wouldn’t sell them out, due to Trump needing a big win. Perhaps its ok to downplay certain things, but seeing how the opposites that you have to work are McConnell, Ryan and Trump, its also imperative to choose wisely .

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