Discussion: Jefferson Davis Monument In Arizona Tarred and Feathered

That was my first thought.

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Racists gonna race


This and the next with Tiny Fey are good


You took the question right out of my mouth . . . :wink: I canā€™t figure that one out; either.

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Living in Alabama seems reason enough to consider living elsewhere.

You canā€™t imagine how much Iā€™d like to live in a blue state. All members of my family (husband, three children) have had that opportunity. Iā€™m happy the kids have escaped.


US 1 is also called JD Highway

I fucking LOVE this. A dirty traitor tarred and feathered. Too bad they didnā€™t have any "sour apple treesā€™ around.

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Dog shit would have been better. Tar provides a useful purpose filling cracks in the asphalt on the highways.

Interesting article from about a little over a year ago in regards to confederate monumentsā€¦

Thereā€™s a riverboat here in W. Mi. thatā€™s always been referred to as the Lowell Showboat, but the actual name is the Robert E. Lee. Its being retired, but before it is, the decision has been made to get rid of the name. Better late than never.



ā€œhuman sacrificeā€
I wouldnā€™t doubt it, and I can see Trumpā€™s next Chinese-manufactured baseball caps:


Itā€™s important to put the time they put up the monument in perspective. This was the 1910-1920ā€™s - the absolute height of the Jim Crow era. And it was put up by the daughters of the confederacy (I purposely will not even capitalize those scumbags). Pure evil.


Not to mention our Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. And many people named after Jefferson Davis and other confederate figures. Not to mention the historical and still ongoing invocation of ā€œStateā€™s Rightsā€ as recently as when President Obama tried to prevent the voting infrastructure from being hacked by Russia.


Quick pollā€¦

While in Phoenix is Drumpf gonna pardon Arpaio ā€¦?


Assuming Kelly and various other advisers argue against it, then yes.


How witty. How classically American.

Uhhh ā€¦ heritage?

The people in the CSA who put themselves in charge of counting unhatched chickens figured Arizona and New Mexico were going to be Confederate territories after they won the war. There was actually a ā€œbattleā€ of sorts between a Confederate scouting party and a Union unit from California there. About a dozen guys on each side, but people were killed.

Why the fuck is there a highway named after a murderous incompetent Mississippian in Arizona? Why not also name a bridge after Pol Pot? How about a state office building after Stalin? Perhaps, state lawmakers should petition the NPS to rename the Grand Canyon for Adolph Hitler.


Its nothing that a steam cleaning would not entirely remove. More a statement than the act of a vandal.

Iā€™m curious about the logistics. How do you get that many feathers? Do you have to buy lots of pillows? I clearly lack the skill set for this sort of thing.

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