Discussion: Modest Background Check Measure On Guns Included In Spending Bill

So, everything will still be legal, depending on a state’s arbitrary “Stand your use!” laws, like Florida, and this monumental piece of add-on-after-the-fact legislation will end the scourge of military grade assault rifles and ammunition that costs .20¢ a pop in our society?

Wow. I didn’t think legislation addressing a societal scourge, almost “as bad” as opioids, could get their attention.

Background Check Question # 1

Do you belong to the NRA? If yes, approved. If no, sign up here.

Background Check Question # 2

Do you swear eternal loyalty to the Dear Orange Leader? If yes, approved. If no, you’re fired.

Background Check Question # 3

Is there any school you are currently targeting? If yes, approved. If no, why not?.

Background Check Question # 4

Are you an ammosexual? If yes, approved. If no, why not…

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So this how we handle the NRA. Slowly shrink it until we can drown it in a bathtub.

Sorry for the crudity.

Modest - The NRA HAD to show willing . ( With respect - another school shooting NRA ? ) .

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