Discussion: Moore Doubles Down On Refusal To Concede Race, Suggests Voter Fraud

When you look for a naive and ignorant candidate only to act surprised when your candidate is in fact, naive and ignorant. Is that hypocrisy? Or just ignorant naivety?

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Godspeed friend.



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you’re welcome

I am so sorry about your cousin. Wishing you and your family the best.


order went out Before the election… all digital info to be maintained…
they were looking ahead


perfect irony would be for an investigation to actually uncover a few blatant instances of criminal voter fraud & manipulation by Moore’s camp - and that somehow it implicates Moore himself - and a previously unknown mistress.

Have always thought that Moore had Jim Bakker potential


Actually, I heard that the GOP fought this and won, which means they can delete the electronic files after the race. I assume (yes, I know it’s Alabama) that’s after the results are certified.

Karma can be a bitch.

Indeed. The mare is positively beside herself — which, she admits, still beats the hell out of having Pedo-Roy atop.


Sample tweet:


Sorry to learn of that. Best wishes to your family.


The conventional Rs will come around to supporting Moore’s efforts to contest the election if and only if it starts to look like he would be able to delay Jones taking Strange’s place in the Senate.

I don’t think Moore has any chance of getting the legal system to declare him the winner or order a redo of the election. The absentee ballots and provisionals don’t even come close to equaling his margin of loss. Maybe it’s not impossible that he could get a court to go along with a theory of Soros bussing in 20K+ felons from neighboring states or something, but if they can pervert the course of justice to that extent, especially as it pertains to elections, it’s time to give up on US politics and move to Canada. But delay, maybe even a big delay, of the seat switching seems more doable.

Apparently, AL law is such that you can’t even get a recount that your side pays for, as you can in some states. If the margin of victory is <0.5%, the state pays for a mandatory recount. If it’s >0.5%, no recount. So Moore can’t force a delay by paying for a futile recount.

That leaves contesting the result, after it’s certified, in a court of law. My understanding of the general principle that applies, is that to have such a contest accepted by a court to even start the process of litigating the question, the challenger has to present some theory of how enough votes were miscast or miscounted that the result would be different if the contest were allowed to proceed. At this point it sure looks like there is no such even half-way plausible theory.

If there is no such plausible theory of how the election contest is going to change the result if allowed to proceed, then some delay is still possible, in that a court might give some interval for both sides to prepare and submit arguments of this question. I have no idea how much discretion a court has in deciding how long such an interval might be, or how long it can then take to consider the arguments and issue a ruling. Nor do I have any idea how much venue shopping Moore can do to pick and choose a judge more likely to allow long delays.

The real potential for serious delay would start if the court allows the contest to proceed, and isn’t blocked immediately by an appeal to a higher court. The finding of facts around such a question involves having to account for over a million votes. The contest becomes very expensive if allowed to get into this phase, but if Moores does make it that far, it’s pretty certain that all sorts of money spigots will open, because that will mean that Strange can keep the Senate 48-52 for some serious interval of time, and that’s of considerable cash value to plenty of people on their team.


We are now seeing what is meant when some people say “Gos’s will”


Today’s GOP: when we win its gods will…when we lose its voter fraud


You’re scaring me, but only because it fits the GOP modus operandi.


Well, as I point out, it’s possible that AL law is such that Moore couldn’t get much if any delay. Maybe their election law limits contest of elections to such a narrow set of theories you can advance that even a sympathetic judge would be forced to just rule that on the face of it Moore doesn’t have a case, and there won’t even be a submission of detailed pleas on the preliminary question of whether Moore has any legally allowed path to victory. It’s possible that Moore would have no freedom to venue shop, that AL law specifies which court hears all contests of a given type of election, and that court is not sympathetic to Moore. A lot of AL judges apparently hate him worse than you or I do.

I’m just trying to identify the key facts we need to know to know if we need to be worried about a long delay in Jones being seated. Don’t be scared until those facts are in. Maybe some of our fellow contributors know some of these facts

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Republicans = morally corrupt people who only support America when it agrees with their white supremacist ambitions.

Republicans = terrorist threat to a free and equal US


The Moore partisans really need to be careful about these childish actions, because these protests can go both ways.


Moore is just using the lines Trump would have screamed if he’d lost (and used anyway, in spite of winning the electoral college).


Keep yapping, loser. And have fun with the defamation suits you’re going to be dealing with in the near future.

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