Discussion: One Of The House's Least Reliable Democrats May Lose His Primary Tuesday

O tell that to the GOP.

And how is an issue for government not social?


…here we go. You’ll do anything to quell talk of the economy and keep it on social issues.

O here you go off on your bullshit.


Lipinski is not a Democrat, but a Republican that ran as a Democrat because he knew that a Republican wouldn’t be elected in this district. Time to show him the door.

…and here you go on your bullshit about jumping on team ‘D’ just because they have a ‘D’ next to their name even thought they’re not even addressing the biggest issue facing this country.

Let’s just say I have a certain amount of faith in the Democratic Primary voters, and I don’t think Trump would be the nominee.


We got Trump because of Bernie Sanders, not because he didn’t get the nomination he lost fair and square.


I look forward to her winning the seat.

He gone!

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So after reading this article, I went to Emily’s List to donate. (I know it’s late, but better late than never.) I couldn’t find her there. I went to ActBlue, found her in a minute, gave in another.

We got Trump because of Hillary Clinton and a corrupt DNC.

The Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party will always be with us. Its policies—on financial deregulation, trade, fiscal austerity, mass incarceration, and military intervention—have been ruinous. Its political aversion to populist appeals has been self-defeating. But Wall Street has the money, so it will always enjoy upholstered think tanks, perches on op-ed pages, and gaggles of politicians eager to peddle its proposals.

That’s because what he doesn’t seem to understand that the converse is also true: social issues are economic issues.


It may have already been said here, but don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Lipinski.

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Yeah, not gonna miss this bozo.

Yes, I thought about that after I wrote it, and you are right. We are going to have to live with blue dogs in Missouri, Alabama and Virginia among other places.

But I think having a blue dog in a democratic majority district, however, is totally self-defeating, and there is something about ward-heeling lifelong machine politicians (especially those anointed to the position by fathers and uncles) that just rubs my entire sense of democracy the wrong way.


The Democrats had a problem in 2016. For eight years after control slipped briefly out of their hands in 2008, the party elders, led by the Clintons, failed to mentor and raise up a new generation of leadership. They had nobody credible to run against Hillary in the primaries. Sanders, ever the opportunist, proposed himself for the job. The rest is history.


This should be a shoo-in for any Democrat. The GOP candidate is a confirmed Nazi.

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and database. Let’s not forget that little bit of thievery either.


Bing-fucking-o, you win a prize.
And the one who has fought the most for the Democratic base on economic issues that matter is an Independent, one that sane people here are mad at because he ran as Democrat in the primary.

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If you want the typical, mealy mouthed defense of Wall St by moderate Democrats, this pretty much sums it up:

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