Discussion: PA Gov Blasts 'Undemocratic' GOP Impeachment Bid Over Gerrymandering

Thanks to Facebook and other big data, it’s now also quite easy to draw squares that will disenfranchise people. Gummint is always going to be in the part of our lives that’s about electing a gummint.


BUT, would the SCOTUS weigh and rule whether or not there is any difference between the Republican Party and Organized Crime (?) and then nullify any successful effort to oust the Democratic PA jurors.

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i.e. - it’s defacto Organized Crime.

Who owns those bastards?
Tea Party?

Ya think?..

that is the essence of a fucking mobster.

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It is Republican mobsters that we’re dealing with, from the FOXwood Forest to the NRA Tidal Basin Congress to burger-brained POTUS with his Fifth Avenue highrise laundry.

It’s the Mob, stupids!

This guy concurs. Any any op-ed that works in the term “galactically stupid” has at least one point in its favor.


They are offering servitude for the masses in addition to shoveling all the country’s resources upward.


So why didn’t the Court redistrict the Lege while they were at it?

So why don’t Republicans have a problem impeaching a president who is being blackmailed by Putin and encouraged him to attack this nation. Attacking gerrymandering pales in comparison.


It’s like a guy who’s upset at being divorced so he stalks his ex-wife. You want to explain to him that even if it feels satisfying in the moment it’s pretty much the exact opposite of moving on with your life in a constructive, positive way.

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I remember that. Never seen such absolute fury; it was like the French Revolution.

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This is the new Republican party - there simply are no rules anymore.


Don’t ever forget the Republicans know they can’t win unless they suppress votes or cheat.

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GOPoopers have a tantrum .

This is how __ I __ would handle the situation

  1. The court should have given them more time to draw a map.

  2. __ if __ the pa house actually votes to impeach then any citizen or the pa attorney general bring a court case because they have __ clearly __ violated the oath of office.

Because the pa house or senate would not be the right place to hold impeachment proceedings create a __ temporary __ panel of 60 judges from the districts (counties) of pennsylvania courts of common pleas.


Since this is a partisan (party) issue __ consider __ having 2 more democrats then gop.

Have a federal judge act as the judge for the panel.

  1. __ if __ the panel __ fires __ them, they are __ automatically __ put on the 2020 ballot however they still have to campaign to get elected.

  2. How to replace the legislators

Since __ each __ covers a geographic area select a __ randomly __ chosen elected __ democratic (consider it a penalty for breaking the “Oath of office”) to move up.

could this be what they are really afraid of? I think this needs to happen.

Yeah, I don’t see every single one voting to do this…for many of the reasons mentioned above. Fail!

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Appointing a fresh batch of justices until the next election is problematic.

  1. What about the impeached judges? Their careers are now over, for political reasons? No pensions? What kind of chilling effect will that have on the court?

  2. There’s no guarantee that the new nominees will be accepted by the PA Senate (if that’s how it works). Particularly if the nominees are asked whether or not they support the redistricting decision.

  3. What happens to the appointees at the next election? They run for office against their impeached colleagues?

It doesn’t work. Wolf is better off not nominating anyone. I’m not sure that court would even be able to function at that point.

The only thing that works is taking control of the PA Senate and House asap. Don’t know how easy that will be.

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