Discussion: Paul Ryan to American Public: Do Your Patriotic Duty, Have More Kids


If you’re going to try to turn your country into a banana republic, you’ve got to have a banana republican birthrate. That’s just common sense in Randland.


Right after you do your patriotic duty and create a fair tax bill.


Paul Ryan is doing his earnest impression of Adolf Hitler, begging for more children “For the Fatherland.”


When YOU can get pregnant, then you can advocate for higher birthrates, scumbag.


He needs to step away from his dog eared copy of The Handmaid’s Tale.


“I’m riffing here,”

Hmm. Riffing is improvisation. Improvisation requires imagination. I don’t think you are riffing.


“Paul Ryan to American Public: Do Your Patriotic Duty, Have More Kids.”


The grey generation needs the brown generation to fund social security and medicare.

I don’t see why Republicans aren’t encouraging more immigration.


Just in case anybody scrolled by it.


Do you what will not go over with the American people? Cutting Social Security and Medicare. People know they paid into those programs their entire lives. They expect the government to provide them. I don’t know what Ryan has been smoking, but the direction he is headed is political suicide.


Right–that would be a great idea but the cuts to education and student aid advocated by you and your party are part of the the reason higher education is so expensive. I came from a family of three kids and my wife is one of four siblings. We would gladly have had another child, but we could only pay so much in college tuition. Of course, if you don’t give a shit about educating your kids, you can just fire them out like grapeshot.


Hahahaha…man is it obvious.

Keep the browns out there from coming here…check.

Keep the browns here under severe economic pressure not to reproduce…check.

Tell white Amurikkka to get fucking…check.

Because guess what: what he’s saying doesn’t work if the people reproducing the fastest are the ones most likely to live life in poverty, undereducated and in need of social assistance programs. More giant MSM fail for not asking him about that. Fact is, white Amurikkka is being out-reproduced by black America, and it has the GOP/Teatrolls and their alt-right white nationalist base FURIOUS.


Yes, have a larger number of babies every generation to support the previous generation of babies. Easy answer, so obvious. And keep going right past the point where the natural resources of the planet can no longer sustain the population. Growth! Winning!

Anyone who understands basic math understands that this economic pyramid scheme writ global is irresponsible and unsustainable. But of course the GOP rejects math, as they reject science and any other fact-based system that undermines their selfish “more for me!” ideology. Plus, the rapture is right around the corner, the bible says so. No need to worry about the planet, Jesus has our backs.


How about ending the income cut off for which one pays fica?

aside - this is the buzz around the hill about Ryan: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/12/14/paul-ryan-retire-speaker-ready-leave-washington-216103

Appears that he is trying to execute the Country’s most spectacular Hit and Run job - on the country.’’


Back in reality, a fair number of my late-X/early-millennial cohort are holding off on having kids because they’re deeply, deeply concerned about the world we’ve been making. They’re not sure they want to bring a kid into such a world. To look their kid in the eye in fifteen or twenty years and say “this is a time and a place I wanted my children to live, these are the problems I wanted to hand them”.

And that goes back several years into our budding realization that climate change is a now-problem and not a future-problem. It’s not a simple Trumpian observation.


Gee Paul, your tax plan eliminates the personal exemption so it’s going to be more expensive for the hoi polloi to discharge its patriotic duty to have more kids.


I did my part, but, you know, we need to have higher birth rates in this country

So among his other legendary skills, like policy wonking and constructing numberless budgets, he has the ability to give birth? Fascinating guy(?).


The middle class can’t afford to have more children because you are raising their taxes.


“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in America,” he continued. “So what do we have to do?"

Now, how could we increase the working population in America?


Hmmm, increase the working population…


Boy, that’s a tough one.


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