Discussion: Rep. Schiff ‘Worried’ GOP Plans To Shut Down House Intel’s Russia Probe

Dowd and Sekulow meeting with Mueller and his team next week. It ain’t over until it’s over.


It’s a well-known figure of speech to convey the effects of slow-moving but drastic changes

Well, maybe we need to be more scientific about this. Now, I don’t want to be cruel to frogs, so just in case, let’s try to identified some other group that has proven to be slow to adapt to change - any suggestions? Anyone? Mueller? Mueller? Yes, “Republicans” is a fine answer - after all, they’re already in hot water!


:angry: What a bunch of carp.

You can bet your bippy that it will quickly be followed by a lightning round of already planned victimhood/martyrdom propaganda and “ah ha!” gotcha exclamations as to how Mueller totally revealed his bias against Trump and his intention to help the Dems stage a coup.

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Ok, so there are three strands of the resistance/rule of law camp: (1) Congressional Democrats and national party leaders; (2) state Democratic politicians; and (3) the rest of us, the grassroots. Each has a role to play in the event of Mueller being fired.

I’m not worried about the grassroots: there will be massive demonstrations, an uproar, etc. The forces that delivered recent electoral victories were all grassroots, and will play their part. I’m not too worried about state officials: they’ll listen to the grassroots and will play their part. I am, however, concerned about our congressional people, since they have an appalling track record of inefficacy. What I’d like to see from Schiff–who’s one of the smart ones–and the rest of his colleagues is some kind threat to shut down government or take some kind of protest action that will bring things to a standstill in the event of a Trumpist coup–because that’s what firing Mueller will amount to. I want a clear idea of what they have planned by way of response. Now seems as good a time as any to let us know, with so much Republican legislation and financing on the line.


Earlier on Melber: A former prosecutor: Trump is essentially looking for ways to not look into his activities.

BTW, this is not the people V Trump University.

This is or will be the United States of America v Trump.


30 some odd years of marriage to a guy who is like that.

And maybe all the Alan Watts and DT Suzuki I read over the years percolated down to the point in my psyche that it just took hold. IT’s not infallible by any means, but I work at it.

I hate being afraid. It’s a fucking useless thing unless you are face to face with a grizzly or a mountain lion or a hippo.


LOL. Yes, but he was guillotined.

Now that’s when a gun is useful.

Otherwise, not so much. People pull triggers that kill humans and animals.


Maybe, but as the piece notes, Mueller is under no obligation to tell them anything. Ty Cobb has declared it is wrapping up or near the end so why the need to meet with Mueller? IMHO, it seems to me that Trump’s legal team is getting nervous and probably with good cause.Kushner is on the hunt of a crisis management PR firm.

I am no Pollyanna -lived through the b.s. of Nixon, Watergate, Reagan, & the political aftermath of all that so maybe our republic is doomed. I cannot go there though. I need to believe that most in the House and Senate believe in the rule of law and our Constitution.


It’s not much use there either, but since we can’t get away from it entirely, better to save it for quiet rooms.


What can they do? What options do they have?

You know, if it was grizzly I’d do anything including shooting. I would not with a black bear because you can win if you fight them. If you can pick up a stout stick and hit them hard enough on the nose you stand a chance.

You stand no chance with a mountain lion or grizzly unless you are a mountain man who is a legend in his own time. :wink:


I like that. Oh, yes.


I think that’s actually quite a technical question that I can’t answer, because I’m not an expert in the rules of Congress. But off the top of my head:

  1. They can say that there will be no business as usual until Mueller is restored.

  2. They can shut down the government or play no part in keeping government open.

  3. They can declare a state of constitutional emergency and talk about nothing else in any meeting of Congress except Trump-Russia and Mueller.

And so on. They cannot just keep flailing and enabling.

Phase 4 of 6 steps to get rid of Mueller from the Alternet link I posted above.

“Phase 4: Establish the expectation that the Russian investigation will be wrapped up soon.”

I’m pretty sure they have some sort of plan, as this is all over the news. Schumer and Pelosi aren’t incompetent and they want to hold their cards close, I would guess. One thing everyone is forgetting: it’s too much work for Trump to be a dictator. He’s counting the days until his term ends, I’m sure. So who would jump into the breach here? Bannon? In his dreams.


They did go away. I can’t believe that Democrats aren’t screaming about wanting to see Trump’s taxes as the Republicans ram through this tax bill, but it’s not happening.

Instead Trump says it’s going to hurt him, but not one asks for him to prove it.


I’m not. That’s just what my husband said about W and by god he was right. Power is a drug but nobody is going to refuse to leave the office of the presidency when they are supposed to without having the entire US military behind them.
And most can’t wait to leave by the time it’s over.

Look how much happier W is painting his paintings and not being hated so much.


Hi Nemo,

I am not sure that they can do any of those things. In the House it is basically majority rules and in the Senate, they can go nuclear again and get rid of all filibusters.

I think that Schiff is pointing to an underlying lawlessness that is gaining steam. We have had an accelerating erosion of Civil Liberties for the last 25 years, and the politicalization of the Justice Department is the next logical step for these monsters.

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