Discussion: Report: Warrants Issued For White Supremacist Featured In Vice Film

True, although I think Kellyanne Conway has some coelacanth in those DNA strands.


Wonder what the anti-BLM, “Blue Lives Matter” part of the far right think of this guy.

A theme was forming. Cantwell’s struggles with substance abuse and his legal battles over his DWI produced in him a fervid loathing of all government authority, a tendency toward extremist rhetoric and an embrace of first libertarianism, then anarcho-capitalism and finally full-throated fascism.

Cantwell took a philosophical libertarian argument against the state to what he insisted was its logical conclusion: The state is illegitimate, and uses force to obtain its objectives. So in applying “defensive force against The State,” it would be acceptable, say, for a driver to shoot a cop who is attempting to pull over the driver’s vehicle.

“It is my honest opinion that this driver would be morally justified in shooting that police officer at the moment the [police car’s] lights go on,” he explained.



You are seriously on a roll.

Nah. They already have a name for their dating site: “Lebensborn”


I find this guy as distasteful as everyone else does. At the same time, I wish we could stay away from jokes about prison rape. I don’t think rape is ever funny.


These guys really didn’t win the intelligence lottery, did they?


I see what you did there.

Yeah, pretty much NFL stadium rules, without the ban on outside beverages.

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Cry baby! Cry baby! Cry baby! Cry baby!!
-Janis Joplin

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I expect Trump will pardon Mr. Patriotic who was just defending those beautiful statues, after all.

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Let it also be mentioned that anyone who deliberately acts to harm 23 million Americans currently on ACA healthcare, and deliberately seeks to enact laws that are proven to kill tens of thousands of Americans each year, is certifiably mentally unstable.


Less Ride of the Valkyries than Cantwell Got Run Over by a Reindeer which somehow doesn’t convey quite the same level of apocalyptic pathos!


Purebreed asshole I am thinking.

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Well that probably goes without saying really.

I honestly am not convinced that Jeff Sessions is fully human. I’d like to know what kind of genetic inheritance he has and John Tower, who was just like him though brunette rather than blonde, had.


"Dang it! Where’s that French Vanilla creamer I asked for?


Wait – are you suggesting we shouldn’t defend those beautiful statues of Benedict Arnold either .

General Arnold’s greatest moment came during the Saratoga campaign, which ended with the surrender of an entire British army. The senior American commander, Horatio Gates, was often indecisive and shy of battle. Arnold, in contrast, was eager for battle. He personally led a successful charge on a British redoubt. During that fight, Arnold was shot in the leg and his horse fell on him.

Had Benedict Arnold died that day, he would likely be known as one of the great heroes of the American Revolutionary War. There would be towns, counties and schools named for him.

But he didn’t die. Arnold lived on to betray his country.

P.S. Arnold’s name has not been completely erased from American military epigraphy. The monument for the Battle of Valcour Island mentions him by name.


Part garden gnome, isn’t he?


Mother Pence does not allow swearing, so watch it, fella…


Did not know that–fascinating.

That has to be it = both of them.

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