Discussion: Republicans Have A New Plot To Gut Medicaid And They Don't Need Congress

This continues the trend of some red (or in a few cases, purple) states actively turning away major Federal contributions (paid disproportionately by blue states) to the health care of their citizens. The short-term “win” for such states and their administrations is the ability to lower state tax rates because the state will no longer have to pay the state share, between 35% and 45% or so, which is a substantial amount of money.

But the effect is to deprive the health care sector of the state’s economy of 2 to 3 times the Federal funds lost, which can hardly be a boost to the state, and is likely to alienate a substantial number of voters who work in healthcare, in addition to those who lose their healthcare. The former are more likely to vote, as well, compared to Medicaid recipients, who statistically are less likely to do so (to our collective loss… everyone entitled to do so should vote!)

It will also leave a state with more people in medically-induced poverty and destitution, which hardly seems like a way to strengthen either the economy or the civic fabric.

All in all, states trying to reject Medicaid funds seem to be extremely short-sighted and wrong-headed, though voters are evidently far too patient or misinformed to know it, in many cases.


From the reports I have seen, a lot of the KKK/NAZIs demonstrators have been ‘marginally employed’ in low wage no benefit service industries.

I wonder how these KKK/NAZIs will feel when they find out that they no longer have their ObamaCare insurance or Medicaid?

No one ever said life was fair.


Because Jesus imposed a work requirement on Lazarus before giving him free medical care…


Yes because Price has the power to kill off people faster than DeVos and Pruitt.


Well, you can hope that, but stupidity seems to remain ingrained in the populations of those states. Even though it won’t be true, I’m sure a number of people, after being thrown off medicare will loudly proclaim, “Thanks, Obama, for taking away my grandma’s health care with your communistic medical chicanery!”

You can’t fix stupid.


I think they’re mostly just riding this out. I mean, look at how milquetoast Paul The Ayn Rand Christian Ryan continues to be.

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It’s certainly the kind of self-blinding unfathomable cluelessness that lead a small but critical number of people on the left to decide it was okay to sit the election out or vote third party rather than vote for that awful Hillary.

*Update (apologies to the two five pre-edit likers).

You know, I just read the thing again and was even more gobsmacked by the truly epic scale of the cluelessness. I mean, even for Judis, the archetype of a school of left of center discourse that sounds profound and insightful yet misses the point so completely that one wonders whether the author lives on the same planet. It’s the exact same blinkered, almost naive, kind of cluelessness we have see time and again from the NYT editorial board and from the news editors who thought Emailghazzi and Whitewater were huge stories worthy of vast reportorial resources.

“I have three different kinds of reasons to offer, each of which partially, but not entirely, explain Trump’s behavior,” he takes as his thesis. And here I am banging my head against the table because there is one theory, one well-known and widely discussed theory, that explains all of Trump’s known behavior and has near-perfect predictive power. And at this point, the refusal of smart people who write about politics for a living to acknowledge it, accept it and work from it can only be explained by a mulishly obstinate form of willful blindness.

Donald J. Trump has a profound mental disorder. One that is well-known, well-studied and well-defined. His case of it is so serious, that people who study Narcissistic Personality Disorder marvel at the stereotypical presentation. It’s a case so profound that it would have been crippling had he not had the cushion of vast inherited wealth. His behavior is literally determined by this disorder. He is subject to literally ungovernable compulsions because of this disorder. His behavior can be explained and can be predicted with great accuracy by this disorder.

Yes, he is also a stone racist. But it’s not the central feature of his life you see from the Nazis or Klan, or, alternately, the bundle of unacknowledged and repressed preconceptions and prejudgments and attitudes it is for most “I’m not a racist” racists because most of his behavior is determined by his disorder, not his racism.

And I can’t believe I’m still having to point this out. I can’t believe that so many people who hold themselves out as astute and insightful stubbornly resist even acknowledging the possibility that this glaringly obvious truth is true. I cannot for the life of me fathom what drives people to continue trying to analyze him as if he was a normal, rational actor with no more mental illness than the average person with the normal range of more or less well-compensated neuroses. What the fuck is up with that?


Excellent reporting and analysis, Alice.


There was a story I read (somewhere) about 4-6 weeks ago about a couple in TX who are foster parents, and they foster kids with special medical needs. The amount of red tape that the mother has to keep track of for each of the children was staggering. She had binders for each child, she worked seasonally so she had to keep track of her hours and pay, she had to fight every 6 weeks or so with state medicaid officials for continual coverage for the kids to continue to receive their healthcare, and biggest kicker is that each child in their care was a separate case so once she got back on track with child one then child two fell off track.
I don’t say this often enough, but God bless her and her husband to try and struggle to do the best for these foster kids.


I don’t pray, but if I did it would be that you are right.


Seema Verma, Administrator and criminally heartless stone cold boot licking worthless trump whore of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the Trump Administration, speaks in favor of legislation to roll back the Affordable Care Act and enact deep cuts to Medicaid, on Thursday, May 4, 2017 (Photo by Cheriss May via AP Images)

You need to strive for greater accuracy in your photo captions.


I’ve been saying for years that one of the biggest mistakes Democrats have made is allowing Republicans to be the party of Christian values. In every single discussion about O’care, Democrats should be working in the phrase, “the least of these”. Some of their most loyal constituencies are of the most religious Americans, and too often we allow Republicans to run on principles that are the polar opposite of Christ’s teachings while they chain themselves to the cross. We shouldn’t let them get away with that.


Not sure the southern states should be cutting dental coverage. Just sayin’.


Extremely well said. The hypocrisy of the GOP espousing Christian values even as they gut healthcare and other atrocities is incredible. Democrats need to expose the GOP with short, hard hitting messages, such as Warren’s “blood money” quote. Using small words.


Red states are killing health care insurance? Yup, nothing like damaging the people who vote for ya.


Cut Medicaid access, watch people–incl children–get sick and die. The GOP as the National Death Panel. What could go wrong?


I am sure Indiana, where I live, will find ways to target People of Color so their white supporters will not suffer and vote them out. This is just the beginning of culling the masses. Nazi Germany started with the mental cases and criminals. We already have the death penalty to eliminate POC.


Exactly what is it that forces Republicans to consistently work against the best interests and well-being of Americans? Republicans want the American population to be weaker, sicker, poorer, dumber, less free, and very white and Christian. How are they helping to promote the interests of the American people again?


Strongly agree, which is part of why I don’t like to see people on the left denigrate Christianity with a broad brush when the fault lies with certain segments of Christianity, or, perhaps more accurately, certain groups that claim to be Christian while flouting Christian values. It buys into their narrative.


More ethics, values and morals from the GOP!!! Reprehensible.

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