Discussion: Republicans Have A New Plot To Gut Medicaid And They Don't Need Congress

It appears the Republican agenda of removing the social safety net is now to be pursued through the various cabinet appointments, such as Price et al., in lieu of pushing actual legislation through Congress. They are of course pursuing a policy exactly like that which they accused Obama of: unilateral action without legislation, without consultation with Congress. Now of course Obama’s actions for the most part were intended to make the country better for broad swaths of people, and of course he did work with Congress to come up with a more humane immigration policy, among other things. Only after he could get no cooperation from Congress for measures that would make life better for thousands if not millions of people, did he pursue the other course through executive orders and so on. Anyway, now that Republicans are cutting off everybody at the knee, there should be a more concerted attempt to stop them. I’m not hearing a lot of voices other than a handful of prominent Democrats describing the insidious tactics that Republicans are deploying. I’m not sure that what I’m suggesting would make good campaign sound bites, but it might be worth a try. We have to force the Republicans to own up to their duplicity, or at least to bring it up, over and over again if need be. Talking points, you know.

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America has a new plot to gut the GOP - it’s called Trump.

Trump - doing to the GOP what Democrats could only dream of doing on their own.

well, no that’s not true. They are very nice to wealthy people. think before you write.

don’t forget wimmin and their wicked disgusting girl-parts - except when they are swollen with unborn children - which is very good - except for when they can’t pay for pre-natal care, which is bad - so they should work harder at lower wages - which is good - except they should stay at home and take care of the kids instead of working and taking away jobs from men… wait, i’m confused. anyway, women are inherently less and need others to tell them what care they need medically, if they were’nt vessels of sin, this wouldn’t be a problem. which is why soon-to-be-president Pence doesn’t have to be in the same room with them

I was somewhat worried about that early on in the primaries, when I saw him appear on one of the morning shows (I think around January or February) and talk semi-lucidly about trade and making things great without mentioning the wall or that crap. I thought he could win normal people over without pushing the crazy stuff he was saying at his rallies into the open.

But that fear disappeared well before the convention, and of course he won anyway because it turns out that many more than just the hardcore crazies are willing to go along with it.

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