Discussion: Supreme Court Backs Push To Remove Ten Commandments Monument

…a political agenda to remove all traces of religion from the public square…

You mean this one? “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”? It’s the FIRST Amendment, jackass, it comes before the Second.


I think that this article overstates the proceedings. This was a ruling on a petition for a writ of certiorari (in other words, a request that the S. Ct. hear the case). The Court said no and allowed the 10th Circuit’s order to stand. A denial of certiorari does not give any binding guidance on the issues. The granting or denial of certiorari does not necessarily say much about the reason the court declined to hear this specific case and we cannot assume that this is the dawning of new day for separation of church and state. It is just as likely that the Rs on the court did not like something about the fact pattern developed in this particular case and are looking for a better option to unwind something down the road.

I think that it is also worth noting that TPM merely cut and pasted an AP article here. Some additional reporting would have been helpful, but the blame for incomplete or misleading reporting does not rest solely at TPM’s feet.


I guess I forgot they have ways of doing that too. These people will never stop their shameless attempt to convert us all to their religious beliefs and adherence. They really are American Taliban. What’s really painful to me is that I believe in the 10 Commandments, and I’m Jewish too, but I hate seeing this kind of forced proselytizing…

I whole-heartedly believe in the separation of Church and State!


You’d think it’d be unanimous. The decision is a no brainer, the Constitution, the courts, and federal law are very clear on this issue. But many “Christians” don’t give a s*** about law and other people’s rights when it comes to their own superstitions.


I heard …on the internet …

that men were from Mars … and women … Venus
and that He had the ’ Whole world …in His hands ’ …

Soo … now I’m not sure which one –


It did leave that out, completely, but did at the end mention how Gorsuch was not in on any decision due to his earlier involvement in the case. So it seemed it was a S.C. decision, but as you say, it was merely letting the 10th Circuit’s order stand. Thanks for that additional information.


Trump: Billy Ray Moore from Alabama will fix all this in a minute. White Jesus for all!!


I thought those thumpers had churches?


Not enough. They want worldly power. Used to pretend they didn’t until recently.


Being a minority religion throughout the world, they are deeply afraid of becoming the minority in the U.S. Christian law must rule - with white rulers, of course, because there’s that, too.


Almost everything that’s going on everywhere is at least partly explainable as last-gasp backlashing in the face of demographic change. Comes up again and again.



That’s right! They should do it because The Constitution requires that it be done.


Yeah, I wish this was more well known, that all these monuments were paid for by Cecile B DeMille and installed in 1951 as a publicity stunt for the movie The Ten Commandments. The way people act, you’d think these were original tablets from Moses.

But note the same argument used here one used to defend the Confederate monuments: removing them “erases our history.” And it is just as invalid an argument in both cases.

Personally, as a heathen atheist buddhist, I consider religion based on obedience to “commandments” to be one of the most significant causes of misery and evil. But there may be other alternative interpretations for the fundamental problems of society.


Not with those filthy hands, he didn’t…

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FIFY! :wink:


I had a job years ago where the old guard would say “But we’ve always done it that way” unselfconsciously whenever you suggested some more efficient way. It was considered an unanswerable, knock-down argument. The other phrase I’ve often heard is “We tried that once and it didn’t work.” Had a business coach once who said people really don’t want outside-the-box thinking. She said they want you in that box with the lid screwed down.


Well… because … FAITH ! —

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That’s true even when the other reasons are urgent.


or even a somewhat flawed Centrist candidate who, in terms of SCOTUS nominations would have been better than the two worst Presidents in history, who also happen be the two last Republican presidents…

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