Discussion: The End Of Abortion As We Know It: How Roe v. Wade Will Be Dismantled

Edit: Nevermind.

This all comes down to 9 justices is no longer enough for our country. We retake the Congress then the Presidency and legislatively alter the court to 20-50 justices and begin an amendment that will place a limit on how long they serve to somewhere around 20 years (although it would be less needed if there were more) and the whole stand off over appointments and the over-concentration of power goes away and the court would look more like America and new Justices would be more routine and make only small movements in the makeup of the court. Most importantly the damage from Trump would be undone or at least contained. 9 people just aren’t enough to represent all of our viewpoints fairly. All of America deserves a reasonable proportional voice in the court as far as is possible, conservatives liberals, black, white, Latino, Jewish, Christian, atheist, southerners, Yankees, redheads, brunettes, flugelhorn players, whatever.

Important to this however would be that we not overreach but choose a fair representation of judges for America not an ultra liberal dream court for the far left. For the idea to win it is going to need broad support especially in the beginning.

It is appalling to me that 47% of registered voters took a pass and thought, “Eh, they’re all alike!”

Well, that is a luxury millions no longer have. I’ve decided that the consequences must be painful and ruinous to ever motivate people to vote, and it looks like that is happening. Women had many chances to insure Roe wouldn’t be overturned and they decided to stay home, or voted for Trump. Oh well.

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Agree with everything you say except women aren’t “them.” They are “us.”


On can’t help but get back to the 5th Catechism of Catholicism that says life begins at conception, and that like is sacred, so no abortion. Miscarriages are the work of God. Interestingly, this is more radical that Islam, which says the spirit enters the fetus at 120 days (17 weeks).

We also control our vote, although Republicans are trying to take away that control (and right), too.

Republicans really don’t like the fact that America is a free country, do they.

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I think that if Roe were overturned or legislated away, at least half of the states would not complain. There would be no real uproar, because it is precisely what the citizens of those states want. Any citizen not preferring that could just leave. That’s the “right to choose” they’ll have. Maybe this is the one they’ll exercise?

Exactly! The NRA would then send out “Birthday cards” pre-registering the fetus as an NRA member on the date of their predicted birth! I bet they’ve already thought of this!

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20 years is still too long.

And here we see why, again, the term unicorn thinking has such potency: There will be no Constitutional amendment. Let me go out on a limb here and suggest how about winning more elections? That’s how it’s done.

Recall 64 years ago how all nine Justices voted on Brown v. Board of Education.

Peace Be
Just to remind us all - 52% of white women voted for the Doturd. Overall it was like 40%.
And no one forced them to vote for the pussy grabber.
Just sayin’
The guy did say women should be punished and they voted for him anyway.
Under His Eye


Trump’s smartest move was to promise that he would nominate SCOTUS appointees who would dismantle Roe. That solidified the evangelicals and other religious zealots across the country. So far he has kept that one promise and that has kept these people loyal to him. This is the end result of a battle hatched in conservative think tanks and has been ongoing for 40 years.

Fuck the children, save the fetuses. You haven’t lived until you’ve walked through a crowd of angry anti-abortion protesters and felt their hate and spittle flying into your face.

I agree with you 100%. Any time another citizen’s Constitutional Rights are taken away, it is a loss for all of us.


There really should be no objection to most you’ve said. It didn’t occur to the 40% of voters of either gender who didn’t turn out or voted in protest against Clinton (fat lot of good that did) that an unprincipled minority president would be directed to pick a right wing judge whose record is clear on social issues. We would still have a R held Senate and House, but like President Obama, HRC’s veto pen would be ready to go and most importantly her pick of the next SCOTUS would be under discussion now.

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An outright abortion ban is terrible for the GOP. If you scratch the surface of those opinion polls, you’ll find millions of Americans who call themselves pro-life still want the procedure available for them, but not others.


It’s called a brain drain. The more educated and high-valued workers will flee to more progressive states, while others will never move to Alabama, et. al. to begin with.


Dollars to donuts at least one of those anti-choice legislators had an Ivy-league-bound pregnant teenage daughter and got her an abortion so as not to interrupt her education. If Roe is overturned, that won’t change at all.


What’s instructive here is that there’s no mention of litigation that would expand abortion rights, other than CWRU professor litigating on behalf of rights. Roe v. Wade articles often seem to ignore the utter failure of pro-choice advocates over the past decades, although they certainly know how to sound the alarm and raise money. The lesson from the activism around gun control is that rather than focusing on what may be inevitable, we need to find away to bypass the ineffectual institutional infrastructure and demonstrate that overturning Roe v. Wade won’t be tolerated.

Back when Brown was decided, the Soviet Union existed and took every opportunity to trumpet the failures of the US to live up to its ideals.

The elites were afraid of that bad publicity because there was a very active force seeking the destruction of capitalism as we know it.

This explains much of the shifting political landscape since 1989.

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