Discussion: Trump Rips Media, The ‘Real Enemy Of The People,’ Who Want ‘War’ With Russia

Is any more proof necessary that Trump is delusional?

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He is desperate and throwing out grenades to distract. The media should keep the pressure on and continue to investigate.


Umm, with the little context provided, isn’t the point of the comment that if we don’t impeach Trump he will lead to nuclear war with Russia?

That is, Would you rather Impeach Trump and not have nuclear war with Russia, or would you rather keep Trump in Office (not impeach him) and therefore have nuclear war with Russia?

Of course the complete context may give a different explanation to that paraphrase, but it doesn’t appear to advocate war with Russia at all.


Trump is an attacker, and when he feels attacked himself, he doubles down. He has no other move. He relies on the 4-legged stool of Republican orthodoxy - homophobia, misogyny, racism and hatred of the media. He picks one, then he attacks. He is not being exposed to his base - he is unifying them, they love it when he attacks and insults people. THEY HATE THE SAME PEOPLE HE HATES - THEY HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED TO DO THIS FOR DECADES.

He has not done a single surprising thing in the last week - he was exactly who he has always told us he is, but the media is finally using a brighter light on his obvious deficiencies. i am glad for this, but I remain shocked that this cretinous blob of ego is our president and will most likely be allowed to serve out his full term because of the craven enabling of the Republican party.


It’s truly pathetic that he’s so intellectually impoverished that he can’t see a way to be tough on Russia and still maintain peace. When you’re deeply stupid, it’s a binary world.


C’mon now! Let’s not be rash!


You know, this very morning I woke up and said to myself, “Self, you know what would really go well with this croissant? A nice war with Russia.”

How did he know?


Wouldn’t it be fruitless to subpoena anyway?
They’d just assert executive privilege would be my guess.
So any subpoena would be largely symbolic.

I know, call me crazy.

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Not that we’ll get an opportunity (or he won’t switch to other lies), but it would be great if the next time the treasonous fool brings this point up in public someone could wheel up a TV and show him this clip from March, where Putin put out a promotional video bragging about Russia’s new line of nuclear missiles - by showing their ability to blow up Florida:

That’s right - a video displaying a direct attack on the U.S. from Russia, an act of pure nuclear provocation on this country. Would Trump be able to show he’s not a completely spineless lackey to Putin by pointing out that bragging about destroying Mar-a-Lago isn’t a very nice thing to do?


That’s pretty amazing right there. I assume Vlad told him, “We take out your competitors in area, Donald. I do this for you.”


“Do you favor impeaching Trump or nuclear war with Russia?”

The response to this type of question should be “Before I answer that, have you stopped beating your wife yet?”


While he certainly loses points for his treatment of women over the years (and, of course, for his longstanding GOP affiliation, however “moderate”), I’ve always liked Ahnuld overall.

I wish you were correct about Trump’s supporters, but sadly the polls show that the situation is much more dire. The reality shields are still working strongly on those fools. (I’m using ‘fools’ because I’ve been told that ‘idiots’ is a trigger word for his snowflake supporters)


yes, the only valid choices are being against a compromised buffoon and nuclear war.

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Donald J. Trump
The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear…

8:24 AM - Jul 19, 2018

Donald J. Trump
…proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems…but they can ALL be solved!

8:30 AM - Jul 19, 2018

Those are a lot of “date nights” we the tax payers will have to pay for.

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Kudos for the Prine reference.

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The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear…

…proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems…but they can ALL be solved!

The Freudian is strong with this one.

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That sounds like Jared’s portfolio for solving the world’s problems. Shouldn’t he at least be in the room?

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