Discussion: WaPo: White House To Disband Federal Climate Change Advisory Panel

“And yet it moves.” And, as it were, winter is coming.


How many bottles of champagne will Pruitt receive from his pals for this?


"It doesn’t seem to be the best course of action,” he told the Washington Post. “We’re going to be running huge risks here and possibly end up hurting the next generation’s economic prospects.”

I appreciate whatever good work he’s done on the issue. I also wish people on our side (i.e., the side of facts) would just lay it on the line: “This is another terrible decision by an administration that repeatedly flies in the face of facts. It endangers all Americans as well as their children’s future. It also hurts our chances to compete in the growing green economy which is the future of business.” And so on.


All Democratic organizations and any individual even considering a run for 2018 and 2020 should at this time state unequivocally they will fight to undo every single one of Donald’s actions – every single one. We need to reset the clock, so to speak, to back where President Obama left us … as much as possible, and move forward from there. Even Obamacare – promise to “fix” the issues that most worry folks, etc. Obviously, we need to work right now to block each and every nomination and long-term appointment – should go without saying, but I’m saying because some need it spelled out for them.

Come on Democratic organizations – are you listening? Others who might considering a run, are you folks listening?


Ongoing floods in India have killed more than 300 people and left 16,000,000 homeless. Yes, you read that correctly: sixteen million people are homeless. Recurring weather events like these are going to get more destructive with time, which will displace multitudes and cause strife and war. It’s not just economics - it’s death.


Make Earth Venus Again.


Makes perfect sense. Why have an advisory panel for a hoax, something that doesn’t exist, something we don’t give a crap about and would rather ignore?


Oh I know–was just reframing the quoted statement, which focused on business, perhaps in an effort to speak to certain people.


“It doesn’t seem to be the best course of action,” he told the Washington Post. “We’re going to be running huge risks here and possibly end up hurting the next generation’s economic prospects."
Why the GOP doesn’t care:
There’s a saying from the banks in the financial crisis: IBGYBG. I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone.
They’re ignoring climate change because they think it will take a while before the economic conequences have to be faced
Thing is, what about the people who will still be around?


A dozen. Plus a gold-stenciled Thank You card.


I here tell that Russia invested heavily in beachfront property in Kentucky and West Virginia.


Delivered by a couple of bombshell Sooner gals who just want to show their appreciation for all the exciting new earthquakes back home, no doubt.

@ralph_vonholst It’s hard to fit the pillaging of government in between rounds of golf and Fox News binges.


The direct impact of this will be on whether or not infrastructure is built, upgraded, and maintained to withstand future climate change impacts. Will we route highways along the coastal lowlands? Will we build bridges to withstand flooding?

This lowers the initial cost of infrastructure projects at the expense of their longer-term viability.


I’m surprised it lasted this long.


So much other work getting done–greatness takes time.


Clearly Trump and his cronies all have a death wish . . . . for all of us.

In fact, they seem to have a death wish for the entire world.


Externalities, and unintended consequences. It’s the GOP way.


Gee, Donald, are you still petitioning the Irish government for special permits to help mitigate the damaging effects of climate change to your precious fucking golf course? I hope they tell you to go pound beach sand.

Are you listening, Irish government? Don’t provide this fucker with a single dollar of assistance to mitigate anything. He doesn’t believe in this liberal hooey.


I presume it’s an intended consequence. One of the main things this advisory panel did was provide engineering guidelines for infrastructure – what does a 100y flood event look like under a changed climate. Eliminating engineering robustness will save money for private contractors who build these things while transferring the liability for their failure onto the public.

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