

I’m just a normal guy who has worked in a union long enough to get my damned pension in NYC and still needs to work in pursuit of the most moderate of retirements.

I write for myself and not for anyone else. I don’t suffer fools gladly because they generally have an agenda and it is my curse to see through the bullshit and recognize it for what it is.

I never hold a grudge if we legitimately disagree but I have zero tolerance for nihilists and those who think that the whole system needs to be taken down and rebuilt.

I am an old-style Patriot who understands that what we have is a work in progress and we are going to fight when anyone says that the American Experiment needs to be abandoned in favor of either Communism or fascism.

Until every worker can support a family on a 40 hour paycheck with savings, vacation time, health benefits and a pension which was all taken away between 1980 and 2000, we are playing catch up and should be livid about it.

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