Discussion: CPAC Official: It Was Wrong To Elect Former RNC Chair 'Because He's A Black Guy'

Well, well, well. Perhaps the chickens are coming home to roost. For Republicans never accept any non-white person as their own, unless he shows some disdain for his own brethren, and even if they do the person is accepted only marginally. What did Mr. Steele do to be accepted? The CPAC guy who made the remark is just doing what is expected of him by the White Elders of the GOP.

I know it is harsh, but I doubt that it is inaccurate.


He did a pretty good job for them. The current crew couldn’t even elect a Senator in Alabama.


GORP: Grand Old Racist Party.


" Time for death with dignity."

Not much dignity in racism.

Yup. So can I.


CPAC doesn’t seem to realize Walters just called them a bunch of libruls engaging in affirmative action.

It certainly makes hash of any CPAC claim to color blindness.


I really don’t think people are reading this right.

I’m with Matt here—I don’t think Walters, a black guy himself, was saying Steele was unqualified because he was black—he was clearly saying that Steele was hired only because he was black.

Whether there’s truth to that assessment I can’t say, although it wouldn’t surprise me. However, I would like to ask Walters this question then: “Ian, what makes you think your own standing within CPAC isn’t because you’re black?”

As far as Steele being terrible at his job, it should be pointed out that he was RNC chair for the 2010 midterm election, which was a catastrophic drubbing for the Democratic Party, and was arguably worse than the 1994 midterms because of its direct impact on redistricting due to that being a Census year.


Uncle Tom sure seems willfully oblivious.

But hey, pay check.

I feel sorry for any minority voters who vote Republican - they need to wear a ‘I am ignorant and vote for bigots’ T shirt!

He may have sought to believe that the vaunted stage of color blindness had arrived and that he was proof. And that to the extent that was not true he could change the party from within.

Almost as obtuse as the Log Cabin Republicans.

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A Muslim woman I work with said most of the men at her mosque voted for Trump because they wouldn’t vote for a woman.


If he was saying was that Steele got picked simply because of his race and not his qualifications, then he may have a point. I always considered Steele to be a buffoon, but then again I think that way toward a lot of republicans.

That’s even further from the truth. Steele did an excellent job for Republicans. Remember the shellacking Democrats took in the 2010 midterms? Well, Steele was the RNC head overseeing that election. He was then promptly ousted and replaced with Preibus who went on to lose seats up and down the board in 2012. Despite his dismal record, Preibus was overwhelmingly reelected to RNC chair.

They used Steele as a counterweight to the election of the first black president. Steele was wildly successful in his role, but they dumped him when the party became more openly hostile to minorities. Steele losing his job had not a damn thing to do with his performance, otherwise he’d still be RNC chair, and everything to do with the color of his skin. Why he continues to hang on is simply beyond me. It’s a self-loathing I hope I will never understand.


Reminds me of an anecdote ascribed to André Francois-Poncet, French ambassador to Germany during the 1930s. He said that Germans are intelligent, honest, and national socialists. Only problem, they are only two of the three. If they are intelligent and national socialists, they are not honest. If they are honest and national socialists, they are not intelligent. And if they are intelligent and honest, they are not national socialists. Can be applied to many other circumstances


This gaffe has so many levels to it.

Was Steele qualified to be RNC chair? Absolutely!
And he was probably the most sane one they have had in recent times.

Did the party make Steele RNC chair because he was black?
It is pretty clear the party wanted to put the best black man they could find into that spot at that moment in history. Steele would never have gotten the shot at any other time.

And this A-hole proves it!

The racist right has its circular logic connected in a tight loop.

  1. Blacks are lazy (possibly stupid a la Murray) and so cannot succeed due to their own failings, we know this because black success does not exist.
  2. But every black that does succeed did so only because of special favors for being black because of 1. (And the racists hold that blacks are the most favored people in society, who get special privileges and treatment, unlike white people).

In the mind of the racist right, the lack of racial discrimination (as in this case) is by definition special treatment.


I’m shocked, SHOCKED to learn the GOP, and especially CPAC, might be racists! Shocked!

These people do NOT represent true Americans. Frankly, I don’t know WHAT they think they ‘stand’ for.

Run for office- and run FOR something! Don’t just run against Trump. You’ll either be preaching to the choir or confirming, in some people’s minds, that ‘the elites’ are out to get their man.

Get REAL specific, too. You want to run on jobs or healthcare reform or the new landfill? You must have a plan. Show what’s needed and show how to make it work. THEN point out the differences between having a plan and vague promises to work on a plan “very soon”.

This site, https://www.runforoffice.org/, allows you to enter your ZIP code and see what offices are available to you and the filing window for that office. They also have a few video short-courses on running a campaign. In my state you file for office during a 1-week period in May, just three months from now.

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. Meet your neighbors and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump, and half of all voters stayed home last November. HALF! Today’s 10-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years. Make sure they’re prepared.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly. And get on your Planning Commission.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020 when we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Make them fair and open. Trump is ALREADY trying to rig the census- talk about ‘voter fraud’!

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led voter-run-around campaign help them do that. This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive. Or even sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table. Yes, that’s the American Association of University Women. And while we’re here organize a League of Women Voters chapter in your community if you don’t already have one. Fair, honest and above board. Democracy functions better with them involved.

Civics, civility and civilization all share the same roots. Get crackin’!


Steele is having none of it

The way to think of it is this: Steele was the most qualified one in the pack of buffoons.

African Americans who embrace today’s Republican party are, to my mind, akin to women who vote for Trump. You have to have some self loathing to put your support where you get none. That said, Michael Steele is one of the more rational, decent Repubs they have. Maybe this will be what finally wakes him up.


Matt needs a Schlapp upside his head.

I have a question. When a Republican is so practiced that he can lie on a dime, what has he really gained except entrance into the liar’s club?

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