Discussion: PA Gov Blasts 'Undemocratic' GOP Impeachment Bid Over Gerrymandering

Seems like someone needs to bring a gerrymandering case against the state legislature as well to remedy the dramatic overrepresentation of R’s - 68% of state Senators and 59% of House Delegates are R’s. Congress was 72% R’s, but it seems like there are similar problems with the balance of the legislative districts. Unsurprisingly, it does not seem like the problems were limited to the congressional districts.


The public response has been similarly mixed, according to McGinnis: “Reactions I received from the public split between those grateful for my action and those accusing me of being a fascist.”

Well, if it goosesteps like a fascist, and salutes like a fascist, it must be a fascist…


It’s definitely my Yankee prejudice to think that Pennsylvanians would not like a bunch of asshole racist Johnny Crackers. Seems like it’s just dumbass Pennsyltucky.

Good - I like that.


I prefer them on pikes myself.


This, like Trump, is a great thing for our country.

For too long, people have taken our basic freedoms for granted.

It’s healthy for the country to be reminded that those freedoms were bought at a heavy cost, and maintaining them isn’t free of charge.


No, 2/3 of 50 is 33.33333… You can’t have 1/3 of a vote, so 2/3 of 50 votes is 34 votes (Robert’s Rules). The other way they can get a 2/3 vote is to concuss legislators who won’t go along to make sure they’re out of commission when the vote is taken. If they can reduce the legislature to just 48 conscious members, then they only need 32 votes.



I love that


I was going to make that point that the ability to do something doesn’t mean that doing it is a good idea. In this case, impeaching the judges strikes me as a particularly bad idea.


Sessions can do it, so why not everybody else.
Freakin govt is doomed till next election


If there are 34 R’s in the 50 member Senate, then it’s pretty clear that there are at most 16 conscious members of the Senate, isn’t it?


Leave it to them to steam full speed ahead … then —


And how many voters actually know what they are voting for? All these yahoos knew about Rose Byrd and the other just ices was death penalty not being carried out. Many people have no idea why they are voting to retain judges. Or in the case of those who were not appointed as a judge but run for the seat. “Tough on Crime” is meaningless, a judge could be assigned to civil or probate or family law and never see a criminal courtroom. One judge in the OC was retained with a 61% vote. I checked him out to discover that he was involved with the corruption by the DA and Sheriff’s Dept. in Orange County and voted against him. The stupidity of voters, not all but more than one would hope, is appalling.


republicans are such unethical, horrible citizens; they have no compunction whatsoever no matter how brazenly corrupt their schemes are. The Dems need to crush the GOP this Nov and show no mercy.


This brings back memories of when there was a downturn in the economy and the legislature tried to give themselves a pay raise when others were losing their jobs. The biggest massive public opinion opposition I’ve ever seen in the state, caused them to resend the raise. They got the message. It’s not impossible, just needs a highly coordinated effort to see what a colossal mistake this would be.

Being petty, small minded and vindictive does not inspire confidence. Throwing the court system into turmoil can only make them look bad.


I am so happy that I do not live in a banana republic like Venezuela or Honduras where they remove the justices that disagree with the ruling party.


“Reactions I received from the public split between those grateful for my action and those accusing me of being a fascist.” Mister, that’s not an accusation.


Please just call us Pennsyltucky or something…

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Impeach them too!

Justice Max Baer, the court’s fifth Democrat, escaped an impeachment resolution because he said the current map could stay in place until 2020.

So he’s OK because he was going to let it stand a leeeetle longer. Just long enough to cement the deal.

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SCOTUS said this is a state law matter. Legislators are saying “so we can’t undo it in federal court, but we can still impeach you and then tee up a mulligan in front of the new court.”

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