Discussion: Senate Intel Chair: 'The Unmasking Thing Was All Created By Devin Nunes'

Thanks for sharing that. Holder’s words here are brilliant!


Yes, they did, but this is good news anyway.

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i think you need a refresher course from kellyanne. she uses big flash cards, don’t you know.

Gee, I wonder how long it will be before human swill Richard Burr will remark, on FoxNews of course, “My words about the wonderful and charming and intelligent and beautifully coiffed and totally honest Rep. David Nunes were misconstrued and taken out of context.”

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I guess I’m supposed to feel outrage, but Devin has a long record of lying about water issues in the Central Valley.



Love it.Totally using it ":^]


Woo Hoo! That’s fucking excellent news!


The right wing and their media may eventually come under the scrutiny of investigation as well.
I’m not sure how deep or how far this Russian attack has reached.

I know it sounds like I have donned a tin-foil hat … but who would have ever believed a mentally deficit individual (who is an accomplice to the Russian mob, which consists of former KGB and which by the way is also the de-facto government of Russia), would be elected President in the United States??
And that many in the political leadership of this individual’s political party would not only welcome but embrace this individual? And then continue to back this individual when it gets clearer and clearer that he is in fact “Putin’s Puppet.”

But as is being said “Eyes on the Prize.” Trump first.

All I can hear is Artie Johnson: "The future will be veeery interesting. "


Will the GOP leadership just go ahead and change the rules?

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We just looked it up on Wiki:

Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations, provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research.[1]


Ah, you were responding to a different post, which is great news. Still, this other news is interesting.

Kind of misleading headline. He’s still onboard the Bullshit Train.

At this point, I’m not even sure McConnell wants a vote, but the Freedom Caucus wants to go on record.


“Senate parliamentarian finds major parts of GOP health bill require 60 votes, including defunding Planned Parenthood”

If it’s Friday, this must be Christmas morning. This is the Parliamentarian that Mitch had in his pocket?

So, they’re going to bring the bill up and have everybody on record?


Also inoperative.

Friend went to Town Hall that Rohrbacher held last week in a retirement community. Rohrbacher claimed climate change was a hoax. told people that the OC Weekly was not to be believed because all their ads were form the sex industry; they aren’t, The newspaper had a lot of dirt on him re living in a rental that was trashed when they moved out, that he paid rent that was way below market price. Cannot remember all the details. He was a jack ass. And drove into the community in an SUV with all the windows tinted. There were about 100 attendees, when my rep, the next town over, had a town hall there were 1000 there - a democrat.


It makes me furious every time I compare the educated, dedicated, well-prepared Susan Rice to moral and intellectual pipsqueaks like Nunes and Trump. Ms. Rice has had a sterling career in academics, private industry, and government while Nunes was milking cows and Trump was bilking investors. Kudos to Burr for standing up to the philistines and liars.


And the other house GOPers who feel they “walked the plank?”
Misery loves company?

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OT but, doesn’t one have to be convicted before one can be pardoned?
If so, isn’t all this pardon talk pretty telling about what tramp’s lawyers think about the situation?
Sounds to me as though they are sure the whole lot of them are guilty of maybe conspiracy to commit voter fraud, colluding with an enemy power and conspiracy to cover up their crimes, and, my favorite, treason or even all of the above.
Did I forget one or two infractions?
Anyway, sounds like “high crimes and misdemeanors” to me.

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Ah, Tena, always a tonic with some level-headed optimism. Plus the fabulous Louise Brooks avatar, and now a nice Dorothy Parker allusion – thanks, I needed all that today!


Thank you. That is so very nice.

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