Discussion: Doug Jones: 'I Think We Need To Move On' From Trump Misconduct Allegations

I sincerely hope Jones would like another crack at that question.


Yup. The great majority of his constituents voted for trump with the knowledge of allegations (and evidence) of sexual harassment/assault and he’s their rep but there are soooo many ways he could’ve answered question without going to ‘real issues’ framing.

To dismiss the resignation call is an opinion but to frame trump’s misogynistic history as not a real issue is to throw women under the bus because it’s easier.

It’s been disheartening but not at all surprising to see how many TPM readers are quick to consider women’s issues as politically inconvenient, to rush to judgement that #metoo has gone too far or cast Gillibrand as an opportunist. Historians will likely wonder how so many liberals easily adopted right wing attitudes when it came to sexism yet managed to resist/condemn obstacles to progress in so many other areas.


No one is saying that. But until such charges are filed, and then only if they’re credible enough to warrant an indictment, there won’t be anything about this story that wasn’t known prior to the election. The accusations were made, and Trump was elected anyway. You don’t get do-overs with Presidential elections in this country.

What a slap in the face to the women who voted for him. He needs to grow a pair and learn to stand up to the piece of filth in the White House and support those voters who voted him in. Hint: it wasn’t white guys. Without women and especially African Americans, he would have lost. Time to representative the ones that ‘brung ya’ and not your enemies.

Wow, can we at least wait until he’s sworn in before bringing in the circular firing squad. If this is how a red state winner is treated, good luck with candidate recruitment.

Jones needed to say that he was going to work hard on the issues before Congress. He did not need to insert his foot in his mouth and commence chewing.

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OT but not really…

This is terminally insulting to the FBI. Especially so since today donnie said in so many words he wasn’t gonna fire Mueller. Of course he could change his mind by late tonight.


When Sen.-elect Doug Jones, D-Ala., addressed his cheering supporters Tuesday night in Birmingham, Ala., one of his first shout-outs went to his African-American supporters. As well it should have.


Let me rephrase. I know a teen girl who is terrified about being expelled. A DACA case. Her view on Trump’s sexual abuse? Eh, been there, done that. She hates that stuff, and hates him for doing that stuff, but that’s not what terrifies her about Donald Trump. Yes, Trump’s behavior is a real issue, but by comparison, it’s not an overwhelmingly important issue. Talk to someone who is looking at the demise of Obamacare, which they now have insurance with. Never had health insurance before. You think Donald Trump’s disrespect for women is as big of a deal to them? His behavior is abhorrent, and he’s an awful role model. But we can’t let this issue distract us from the ones that are hurting millions of people. So Jones is right. But we shouldn’t extrapolate what he says and presume that he means that Trump’s behavior towards women isn’t important. It is.

My my another male that thinks the issue is of minor/trifling importance. I can’t imagine that going over well with all of the women who just voted for him, and particularly given the mileage he got outta using that issue against his opponent. Apparently only fake people are facing and suffering from this fake issue.

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I don’t think Jones is finding a lifeline to keep Franken. He already called for Franken to resign.

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I suffer from no delusions about Trump resigning over his sexual abuse of women. We still need to keep demanding he resign, anyway–keep it in the news, keep reminding the American people their POTUS is a serial assaulter of women.

It’s telling that the first time Jones accommodates Trump it’s on the backs of women. The suffragettes were told over and over that there were more important issues than women’s rights. “Yet she persisted.”

I wonder if Doug Jones saved us from a Senator Moore so much as Jones saved the GOP from a Senator Moore.

Just trying to get seated early. No biggie…

With the help of a lot of pissed off women, do you suppose they worked so hard just to let Trump off the hook?


Thank you!

That’s what I was thinking. I could almost hear the tires spinning backwards as he went from ‘man of the people’ to ‘corporate shill’.

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What a bunch of crap, we can focus on more than one thing at a time for Christ’s sake, but really its all part of the same thing: Trump disrespects EVERYONE, your DACA friend, the folks about to lose their health insurance and the women he assaulted. So lets not pit one against the other but work together to get rid of Trump. If its the sexual abuse, great, if it something else lovely, but lets not drop one tool to pick up another, lets use all the tools in the tool box.


He ran against a guy who was accused of assaulting women, he made a big deal out of that, now he turns around as says the admitted sexual assaulter in the white house shouldn’t be held accountable. Let me ask you, shouldn’t he at least wait until he’s be certified the winner before he turns around and kicks his supporters in the teeth?


Right, let’s move on and impeach him.

Yikes, another roypublican all dressed up like a blue dog. Woof woof, I want my contributions back.

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