Discussion: Doug Jones: 'I Think We Need To Move On' From Trump Misconduct Allegations

I don’t see Jones blowing the mid-terms, per se. I can see him blowing votes by siding with Trump and the Senate GOP. I can see him laying the groundwork for his own defeat as he puts his boots on the necks of women in order to boost his stature with the War-on-Women GOP. I’m hoping that next year the Dems can pick up enough of a majority in the Senate that I can just forget about Doug Jones. I doubt he stands a chance of being re-elected in any case.

And let me say that basically, the conviction that speaking out against Trump’s history of sexual misconduct toward women precludes speaking out about all the other issues of the day is just not logical. It’s pretty silly, really. Next thing I expect to read is that the passing of this upcoming tax bill is the fault of Kirsten Gillibrand. Because, “distraction.”

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This might indeed have more impact because there is truth back of the accusations against Trump. Some 53 % believe the women and a similar 53 % think Trump should resign because of this. PPP data.


Right. But I have to ask. Jones said that sexual assault is not a real issue. Why are so many willing to believe he’s lying? I take him at his word.

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Then he should not have contrasted it with ‘real’ issues. He’s taking friendly fire from himself at this point.

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Are you seriously suggesting that by refusing to address the (“symbolic”) sexual assault accusations against Trump, healthcare for children is going to be passed? Really? Because that’s just ridiculous on its face!

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Interesting that your answer to @jenbieds talks about what women need to do, how women should change.

I think everyone should:

Demand consequences for men who sexually harass and assault people and demand lawmakers make gender equality a priority.


I’ll give him a pass about that comment. We aren’t talking about someone from NY, CA, WA or OR. We are talking about someone with (D) after his name who just won fuckin’ Sessions’s seat in fuckin’ Alabama… which, by the way, went for the Fuckin’ Moron on a 2-1 margin in 2016. Not surprisingly The Fuckin’ Moron is a delicate thing for him talk about now, especially when his crazy old pedophile opponent still refuses to concede.

And this man is with us about a number of key issues. We gotta all remember we get such a surprisingly liberal guy from bloody red Alabama. I get the anger expressed here, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater because of this one particular comment on Tapper.

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That crap makes me gag. It’s like trump, ‘I worship women’.

Thunderclap, I just don’t see how criticizing Doug Jones’ statement that sexual assault is not a real issue can in any way “make sure we lose while allowing [us] to feel all virtuous and self-righteous.” Nope, can’t see it at all. I can see how using terms like “purity brigade” is not helpful.

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I firmly believe if anything takes down the Fuckin’ Moron, it’s Russia and his massive mobster financial crimes that have enriched him by betraying the United States.

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What woman here has referred to, as distractions, ACA, DACA, and tax cuts for the wealthy? Democratic women, here and across the country, speak out about these issues on a regular basis. But womens’ rights are called a distraction and we are supposed to do what–bow down and thank Doug Jones?

It seems he clarified his position upon that report.

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[quote=“dougie, post:290, topic:66452”]
But we can’t let this issue distract us from the ones that are hurting millions of people. So Jones is right. [/quote]

Sexual assault and sexual harassment are hurting millions upon millions of women in this country every day. But I suppose women should not be distracted by it and just let you and Jones pick the issues which are “real” for us, then? It’s pretty clear, Dougie, that you don’t See it as a real issue. And that’s your choice but don’t tell me there is something wrong with me because I choose to speak out about sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Good Dog! There has been no extrapolation! He said it’s not!

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LGB, I haven’t heard or read this? When did Jones say this?

Not exactly. It shows Trump’s victims of sexual assault that at least some Dems believe the women, are outraged by Trump’s assaults on them, are grateful they are telling their stories and have their backs.

The best way to ‘demand’ that a politician do what you want is to elect someone who agrees with you in the first place.

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I have no problem with Jones’ statement. It fits the views of his electorate. What Jones is really saying is that if the people care about this issue enough, they need to show it at the ballot box. He cannot be the standard bearer for every liberal position.


People accused have a right to due process. Franken wanted a review and he should have had it. Leeann Tweeden has more harm to women that Al Franken ever has.


Listen, Doug:

A) Sexual harassment IS a real issue.

B) I think you need to talk to Senator Gillibrand and a few other women in your Senate caucus, who are now your peers and colleagues, and maybe a few of the women who just elected you to office, before commenting on how seriously accusations against Trump should be taken and how they should be acted upon.


The return of the Blue Dog Democrat. When you have Republicans dominating Congress they can be helpful.

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