Discussion: GOP Leader Sen. Cornyn Casts Doubt On Legitimacy Of Mueller Probe

You got the call 'cause you’ve got the nuts for the job!


Cornyn”s joining the anti-Mueller chorus means nothing, He won’t vote for impeachment when the opportunity presents itself in the next year.

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I only want to live to see Roger Stone crying like a baby at his sentencing.


Dallas News has been doing some excellent investigating pieces. Kudos.


Do not forget the Japanese my dad helped …ummm…take down a notch in ww2.


I have no doubt you’re right about Mueller and his team. The point is–isn’t it always–that Fox News and the rest of the RWNJ media don’t care about facts and neither do Trump and his RWNJ minions. Mueller’s firing–should it happen–won’t be based on fact but on RWNJ fictions which are being injected into mainstream discourse at an ever more frenzied pace. That Dems are not engaging in a full-throated, coordinated defense of Mueller is a blunder of the first order, I’m afraid.

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Trump perp walked to jail and relieved of his money…


Looks like they got out the bottle of Troll-B-Gon. Cause he be gone.

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They have really stepped up their game and so has all our local news. It finally got through to them that this is a blue county. They still have to mollify their readers outside Dallas Co. but they’ve been doing that by making sure what they broadcast or publish is very well researched and investigated and ultimately explained.


BTW: Neil still thanks God for tremelo.



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worst decision since Dredd Scott

At what point does crap like this rise to the level of “aid and comfort to the enemy”?

There is already enough evidence the Russians well and truly screwed with our democratic elections last year and certainly enough to predict they’ll do it again next year. Yet high-ranking Republicans repeatedly put roadblocks in Mueller’s path. Now they dispense with that and try to bring him down altogether.

At what point does it rise to the level of giving aid and comfort to the Russian Federation in their efforts to destroy our country?


write the media outlets of your choice that you care - they have to pay attention to what the 68% think. it takes 10 minutes

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The first fucking day it happened.


“Can’t you see that’s the last act of a desperate man?”

I don’t know, I think Mueller is going to indict Jr, Jared, and others close to Trump one per month to drive him crazy worrying about what kind of deal they will cut to avoid being guest in a federal prison

I’m almost without words to say something in response. It’s dystopian, soul crushing and short sighted to believe that the party you presumably belong to will simply stand on the sidelines and in effect just say “whatever.” As I said in another post here, and these are the facts, no one is going to fire the entire Federal Bureau of Investigations, and people like Cornyn want people like you to respond as you did to a tweet. Be afraid, that’s what they want.


Fox viewers support for Trump is crashing.


God they were so young.

And so was I. hahahaha

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