Discussion: Schiff: Trump Needs 'Some More Adults In The Room,' Not Miller Or Gorka

I give credit to Schiff and his staff for churning out creative digs aimed at Trump. He knows nothing will come of it in the short run. But there always needs to be vocal oppo from the D’s on the Hill (remember how the R’s criticized Obama’s every move).

Anyone get a winning Powerball ticket?


Schiff: "We have to put real constraints on this President.”


What I wonder about is … who is now going to “talk policy” with Trump? Kelly, Mattis, et al are fine but neither know anything about policy. Priebus and Bannon (not that I’m sorry to see them go of course) at least knew something about how Congress works. Is he going to listen to Ryan? I doubt it. Paging Jared … now that he’s surrendered on the Middle East, he has more time (in between his lawyers visits).


Did any of the Sunday Bothsiderist Circle Jerk Pundit Payolathons find any Republicans to talk about “The Republican Who Shall Not Be Named!”, or are they all still hiding under the refrigerator waiting for someone to shut the kitchen light off?
And by the way, Darling Media, if 52 Republican Senators don’t want to come on your shows to talk about the execrable actions of the so-called president, that means there are 48 Democratic/Independent Senators who will gladly give their opinions on his recent atrocities. The math is fairly easy. You don’t need a fucking slide rule.


Ivanka might be reading this.
Edit: You may be right about Jared surrendering in his capacity as a diplomat. It would explain the soft spot Trump obviously has for Robert E. Lee.


Trump won’t listen to anyone remotely sensible, though.


So far, the only one with any status (albeit years-ago status) is J. C. Watt. All the shows have announced that no White House staff or current Republican officeholder would come on-air.


I was surprised that Trump’s polls seemed to improve after his racist post Charlottesville rant. Then I noticed that 2 of my 3 Facebook Trump supporters posted ridiculous memes justifying or minimizing what happened in Charlottesville. This was after a long period of no political posts from these folks. I also quietly follow a blog of a so called ChristianTrump supporter who is a minister’s wife. She posted an entry supporting the “all sides are to blame” bullshit. The interesting thing is that none of these people consider themselves racists, and I was completely unaware that they were racists before Trump’s campaign.


I keep reading these stories about how some want Trump to be tested to make sure he isn’t insane.
No. No. No.
He is not insane. He is a despicable human piece of flea shit who has gotten away with everything he has ever done because of his money and his power and a complicit media that has nearly always bowed down to this rancid motherfucker any chance they could (and I’m looking at YOU Jeff Zucker and Mark Burnett, you fucking pricks). Stop giving him an “insanity” excuse. If you are going to call Trump insane, are you also going to call the Kochs and the Mercers and 99.99999% of the Republican politicians and their base insane so they have an excuse?
Calling Trump and the rest insane is an insult to people who struggle with serious mental disorders every day of their lives.
He is NOT insane. He is inherently evil, and that has been obvious for decades. And the same goes for the GOP. They do not try to foist their agenda upon the American citizenry because they are insane and do not know what they are doing. They know exactly what they are doing: fucking over America for their own profit and pleasure.


I haven’t read recent surveys, but 30-35% is simply a normal distribution that would be expected from a survey like this — about 1/3rd like him, 1/3rd don’t, and 1/3rd are in flux. Variations in that are what’s significant.

The fact that he hasn’t dipped much below a third I would interpret as normal. After all, Trump dissed a Republican Senate war hero in the crudest terms, and the party still nominated him.

Trump’s strategy is to keep the normal distribution, and expand by lying to the other 2/3rds to peel enough of them away. To work, though, he needs a fractured opposition. Hence, the shock value of trash talk.

It’s a game.

A values-free game. The problem is the rest of the Party.

Trump may be able to diss a military hero, cuddle up to the Russian mob, and root for alt-right racists. I’m not sure the other Republicans can pull off the same thing as they also work to kill Medicare, lower Social Security benefits, and raise taxes. Hugging fascism by aggressive, armed Nazis in our business districts may be one step too far.

No wonder Republican billionaires are looking to build several more propaganda broadcast networks. They’ll need 'em.


As Keith Olbermann always used to say on “Countdown” about Republicans like this, “Here kitty, kitty, kitty!”

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Exposure to Bannon’s deeply twisted view of the best course for human history and wham! 6 centuries ago is right there in the same room. And it thinks it should rule again.


“I bankrupted his casino with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”


It’s easy to tell which tweets Trump sent out with Kelly looking over his shoulder and which ones he blasted out after the adults had left the room.


Schiff is right about the 25th Amendment. DT could reinstate himself simply by declaring that he is fit to serve. It would then take a 2/3 vote in both the House and the Senate to remove him, which is a higher standard than impeachment. Short of impeachment there is nothing to do other than name Nurse Ratched as chief of staff.



real constraints

Trump mollycoddling is completely offensive.
Michelle wearing a sleeveless dress practically caused media to demand presidential apologies.
Media should worry Trump’s FCC will give Bannon and the Mercers a ‘network’ via the Sinclair give-away to cause further chaos and potential reporter injuries or death…


Adults in the room…
Trump needs to put some punch in his turd bowl.


He’s aping Trump’s language wrt "best people. Could he be throwing some subtle shade at the Donald?


You’re a good citizen. Thanks.


@fiftygigs I think the term you are looking for is “protection racket”. One part of the GOTP (Breitbart) trashes America. The other part (Mercer, Sinclair, etc.) provide support against the libruls trashing America … for a premium price.

Because providing fluffers for Feckless Leader is not cheap :stuck_out_tongue:

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