Discussion: Senate GOP Eyes Major Change To Push Through Trump Judges

Trump is not an anomaly.

He’s the unfettered expression of a conservative movement that is fully onboard with eliminating individual rights and vastly extending the power of authoritarian government bureaucrats.


So Cotton’s quote is summed up as ‘The blue slip tradition will continue until a Democrat uses it, then it’s gone’.

Ok then. I can imagine that the filibuster on legislation is only a single ‘inconvenience’ away from going. This time though, it will be the GOP that has gotten rid of all of it. They seem quite cocky about the permanence of their majority.

I personally look forward to Majority Leader Schumer opening the congress in 2021 will a smile, followed by the first words of the new congress “I want to welcome all 45 of our GOP colleagues. I can confidently say to you that we don’t care what you think and, thanks to what you did 4 years ago, we don’t have to. Come to work tomorrow or don’t. It won’t make any difference!”


this is not the country i grew up in


actually, perhaps more like:

“We must not allow our Democrat friends to engage in tactics that we invented to use against them in the past.”



In total agreement with you… the NeoCons made a concerted effort to dumb down Americans, to scare them into MegaCircu$Churches where it was easy to fleece the flock while instilling fear and loathing… Plus play on the latent bigotry so firmly ensconced in so many… And the poor suckers are still unaware…

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Nixon was inaugurated in January 1973 and resigned in August 1974. Whatever happens will take a while.


Of course, the Democratic Party plays by the rules, leaving the GOP to screw all of us at their leisure. I completely agree that, since nothing of value to the nation will be passed by this Congress, the Democrats should do just what you recommended - never, ever allow unanimous consent, and insist on a full debate even for taking a restroom break.

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We should remember who has been stockpiling the guns for added insurance.


With Putin on their side why should they worry about anything in the future? Putin always allows his toadies to keep a small percentage of everything he steals.

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Not just punch back, but remove the “off-limits” sign from the GOP’s crotch.

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How dare he deliver a lecture to anyone about obstruction? His portrait is beside the dictionary definition of the word, after his disgraceful blocking of nominees over the past 6 years, topped off by what he did with the Garland nomination.


Okay… let’s see about that rush to approve Federal Judges. Here’s an interesting observation from the Washington Monthly:

…out of the 559 key positions in government that require Senate confirmation, there is currently no nominee for 445, and only 36 have been confirmed.

Resulting in stories like this:

Trump’s hiring freeze has left nearly 700 positions unfilled at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Good luck with Zika this summer.

And yet, there is one set of people the President is rushing to fill the positions:

Trump to set up ‘war room’ to repel attacks over Russia probe, officials

Note that in the article, Russian agent Corey Lewandowsky will be on the staff.


Make sure your democratic representatives and senators know you expect nothing less than total obstruction.


Grassley? Isn’t he the guy who told Obama he would work with him on a health care bill, only to come out bleating about “death panels” a couple of months later? Yeah, that guy. Great statesman, Grassley; his word is his bond.


The confederacy never truly conceded. They’ve been working towards taking their country back in earnest since 1980 and we haven’t taken the threat seriously enough. Oh, there have been unsettling skirmishes – a few shocking terrorist incidents – but not widespread enough to disrupt our illusion of feeling in control of our country and social progress. But they’ve been moving steadily towards their goal of total domination and now, with an assist from Putin they hope to place a permanent lock on their power. I am having doubts we can overcome this if we lose the judiciary.


Fucking goddamn Republicans just can’t help themselves–they have to rig everything in their favor and don’t give a damn whether it’s fair or moral. Might makes right, amirite? Fucking shitheads.


They assume, probably rightly, that if Democrats take Congress back, they’ll reset the rules. Party hacks like Markey already said they would reinstate the filibuster. The Schumers and Feinsteins of the party will rush to do it so they can bask in the applause of the Beltway peanut gallery, then get fucked again for doing so…

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Grassley the chimera. Eyes of a lizard, mouth of a horse.

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EVERY parliamentary gimmick used to block Congressional procedure needs to be abolished: the filibuster, the blue slip, all of them.

"It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."

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