Discussion: Supreme Court Backs Push To Remove Ten Commandments Monument


Americans shouldn’t be forced to censor religion’s role in history simply to appease someone who is offended by it or who has a political agenda to remove all traces of religion from the public square…

Uhhh… That’s exactly what should happen! The government-run, taxpayer-funded courthouse is not the place for a religious document that declares, among other things, that there shall be no god above the god of the Old Testament, that adultery is forbidden (agreed, that’s usually a bad idea!), and forbids graven images, and swearing.

Keep your religion out of my life!


Will the War on Christofascism ever end?


A slight modification of Cortman’s statement will work for Confederate monuments issue:

I wonder if alt-Right and christian right are ready to be open about their convictions.


The public square 10 commandments monuments started as a promo for the film.


It’s a shame McConnell was in such a hurry to fill the Merrick Garland vacancy on the Court. If he had been patient they could have installed Roy Moore. He has valuable experience with the Ten Commandments on public property.


At some point it’d be nice if these folks bothered reading the Ten Commandments and checking it against the Constitution to see how entirely different they are. These people insist that our rights were given to us by God and that the Constitution merely protects those rights, yet there is no mention in the Bible of the right to free speech, own weapons, speedy trials, or any of this stuff. It’s almost as if…they’re completely inventing this stuff including their own religion because it’s the only way they can justify their desire to turn America into a theocracy run by themselves.

But so it is with every faction of the conservative movement. Once you get passed the obligatory attacks on liberals, Muslims, atheists, blacks, Hispanics, and every other group that isn’t them; it’s all about how we need a system of government that puts them in charge. Even the most anarchistic libertarian will ultimately describe a perfect government that’s basically the one we have, with themselves as the dictator. Because the thing that appeals most to conservatives is the freedom for them to do what they want and the inability to understand why that can’t work in a society.


I understand what you’re saying about a vacancy and Merrick Garland and a terrible display of Turtle’s power, but the vacancy was due to Scalia slipping the surly bonds of earth. SCOTUS vacancies are probably the number one reason to vote for the progressive candidate.


The theocrats think they’re being clever with this crap. They don’t seem to realize that courts are prepared to judge whether a thing is a disingenuous scam based on ulterior motives—courts do that kind of judgment all day long. Game over, Bible-thumpers. Keep your religion off the courthouse grounds because, actually, this isn’t a “Christian nation.” It’s explicitly, by fundamental law, not that. Sorry.


It’s been going on for too long!

What’s this empire coming to? Now, they want us to stop greeting people with, ‘Io, Saturnalia!’

‘We have all these different cultures in Rome,’ they tell us. ‘We shouldn’t offend anyone,’ they tell us. ‘We should be inclusive.’ We’ve got the barbarians from the north with their tree decorations and fire rituals, and those weirdos from Gaul cutting mistletoe with golden sickles, and the Mithraists, and the Zoroastrians, and the Isis cult – and those total freaks down in the catacombs.

‘Hail, winter,’ we’re supposed to say. Now, I ask you…what next? We give up the orgies? No more vomitoria? Or feeding people to bears in the Colosseum?

I was buying some fish pickle down by the Forum the other day, and there’s old Macrobius with some Visigoth chick, and she goes, ‘Good yule.’ So I go, ‘Hey, in this empire, we say, “Io, Saturnalia!” Why don’t you go back to where you came from.’ Then Macrobius goes, ‘She can’t – she’s a slave.’ Whatever. Why can’t they just act like normal people and sacrifice at the temple of Saturn?!

I swear. I was at this party over at Commodia’s the other day, and she’d decorated the whole place with these prickly leaves! ‘It’s holly,’ she says, ‘the latest from Britannia. They all do it over in Londinium.’

It gets worse.

She had this statue of some goddess from Ultima Thule or somesuch – name of Frigga – sitting right there on the dining-room mensa! I mean, this is blasphemous! I’d be terrified of what the household gods would do if I put that thing in my villa. But Commodia just says, ‘Oh, get over it. We’re cosmopolitan around here.’

‘Cosmopolitan.’ That’s what they call it. Well, by Jupiter, I live in Latium, I’m a Roman, and this empire was founded on the pagan religion! None of this foreign heretical nonsense or these strange customs from Germania or Hibernia or Palestine.

I say, ‘Io, Saturnalia,’ and if you don’t like it, you can leave!


Looking forward to the star and crescent flags, satanic pentagrams, and Jainist ant protection zones coming to the courthouse near these bigots.


Yeah, but did he touch the face of God?


Alliance Defending Freedom

As soon as I saw this organization’s name, I knew which side of the argument they’d be on. Not because I’m clairvoyant, but because “Freedom” is the right’s favorite word when they want to name a group that is about anything but. They’ve really sullied that word.

  • War is peace
  • Ignorance is stengh
  • Freedom is slavery the favorite word of RWNJs

However, David Cortman, a senior counsel and vice president of U.S. litigation with Alliance Defending Freedom, said the outcome did nothing to resolve confusion in lower courts involving such monuments.

Seems pretty clear to me. Isn’t it a shame that any group that has “Freedom” in its name these days turns out to be total bullshit, and some rightwing nutjob’s warped idea to impose his religious freedom at the expense of everyone else?

Put the g-ddamn thing on private land already, oh, I don’t know…maybe some church or something, and get it out of the public square. How hard is that? Take your holier than thou shit and shove it. I’m so sick of these assorted nuts.


The Repubs are busy right now shoveling hundreds of ultra conservative originalist Federalist idiots into Federal courts across the land. All it will take is 2 more Gorsuches on SCOTUS and we will be declaring ourselves a Christian nation.


Well said. More evidence of this: their complete misrepresentation about what it means for government to not endorse any particular religion. They claim that lack of endorsement equates to being anti-christian, when all it really mean is… nothing. But of course that’s not good enough for those who want to impose their beliefs on others.


Hard to believe but he and Ruth Ginsberg were the best of friends and she admired his reasoning processes while at the same time disagreeing with him. Perhaps her goodness rubbed off on him.


It would have been nice if the article said what the vote was. Was it unanimous?


These folks don’t even obey the Ten Commandments.


Oh, and a sweetheart deal where you transfer a tiny parcel of public land to a private entity with no opportunity for others to bid and with the express intention of enabling a religious display: not really putting it on private land.

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