Discussion: McConnell Withdraws Trump Judicial Pick Minutes Before Confirmation Vote

Hard to get any traction with our AK media not touching any of the issues we are discussing here. Been brainstorming how I could get the state paper on board.

M. Paulx


I wish I could be more optimistic. The republicans are in power. No one is going to rock that boat. They’re going to do whatever they can while they have the chance, I’m afraid.

I’d love to be wrong, of course.


It was so visually blatant.

Him standing side by side with Putin (days after Putin is named behind the attacks), blaming the US first, holding Russia accountable for nothing and offering up our people to Putin.

ETA: and for a guy who’s brand is “strength”, POTUS came off looking remarkably weak


This is a possibility and worth getting excited about. It has happened in the past, for one. And for two, a couple of Trump-defying Repubs are being shunned by their party anyway. Sigh….I understand how you feel, but I don’t understand not even finding it worth consideration and conversation.


People have been saying this for a few weeks now, especially about Flake. Hasn’t happened. It would be incredible, but all hell would break loose, and anyone who did it would be a target for the nuts.


It would be wonderful…but I still think they will follow their money backers who they hope will help them once they leave office.


I guess I am just woefully behind the times. Have not seen a thing about this. I have, however, noticed a shift since Helsinki. And as for all hell breaking loose, not much would be worse than what is happening now.

Addendum: Much worse could happen than what is happening now …. which is, that possibilities of stopping him will lessen and/or people will stop trying.


Trump would go after that person in a very threatening way. It would be non-stop.

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Actually, it’s because the vote was scheduled too close to THE midterms…

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He’s already doing that with lots of people. But whatever. If I have to try and convince smart and engaged Dems, then it probably is a stupid post and a lost effort. It is sure flying around Instagram in a huge way. I imagine Facebook is similar. Maybe Josh will post about it and then it will become a real conversation.

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I agree with you that a handful of GOP Senators changing their voting behavior in any sort of way is the most immediately impactful development.

This vote today is a sign that this is more likely than it was a week ago. It will already change things that this happened today.

And that is hopeful.


I “liked” it. I was thinking, “November is not that far away.” Besides that I’m Canadian.


Aw thanks, Krux. I was beginning to feel like I had landed on another planet….


I think everyone’s just a little shell shocked.

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Look. I think it’s a wonderful idea. I just don’t think any republican has the courage to do it. My opinion of republicans is at an all-time low.

As I said, I’d be happy to be wrong about this possibility.


Yes. It’s really, really, really hard to count on any of them for anything at this point.


I think it’s worth hoping that at least two of them might be woken to the danger of letting donnie proceed unchecked.


As I understood it, this is something that would not have to wait until November. They could change party affiliation NOW. And that includes the ones that have decided not to run again. So they really have nothing to lose.


I do think that people like Chuck Schumer and others have been working this angle for quite some time.

Here’s hoping that the last week has given the GOP Senators some major new incentives to consider it.


As people have noted, McCain, Flake, Corker, etc. haven’t matched their words with deeds. They’ve had more than ample opportunity to say, “Enough is enough” and throw their support behind the Dems to act as a real check on Trump’s malfeasance. That they have yet to do it, strongly indicates that they will never reach a point at which they actually would.

As I see it, the Republicans are thinking (hoping) that Trump is a flash in the pan. They are convincing themselves that there will be a Republican Party after Trump and thus ceding power to the Democrats would undermine their influence with the After-Trump-Republicans. The fallacy of all that is that Trump now is the Republican Party, so there’s no hope that the Party will survive in a national form after Trump. But it’s too much cognitive dissonance to their worldview to accept that.

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